When I toggle the div to close on mobile, I want it to show on desktop

My attempt at creating a toggle button to hide and show content was not successful. I struggle with coding in Javascript/Jquery.

In the desktop view, the description displays perfectly (see image here), but in mobile view, there is a button to toggle hiding and showing the description (image here).

However, when I hide the description in mobile view, it disappears in the desktop view if I resize the browser window. Only when I show the description in mobile does it reappear on desktop. How can I fix this issue?


    $(document).ready(function () {
        $(".toogle-button").click(function () {


<div class="toogle-button">Introduction<i class="pull-right fa fa-chevron-up fa-chevron-down"></i></div>
<div class="toggleholder">
    <div class="desc-holder">
            <span class="side-text">Design</span>
            <span class="side-text">This quiz is to test your knowledge on HTML basic foundation.</span>
    <div class="user-holder">
    <p><b>Assigned By:</b></p>
    <div class="profile-holder">
        <div class="avatar-holder">
            <img src="/include/images/default/avartar_32.png" class="avatar32" />
        <div class="username">Admin Asriah Asadi</div>
        <div class="clearfix"></div>


.toogle-button {
display: none;
margin-top: 15px;
padding: 10px;
background-color: #055eac;
@media only screen and (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {
    display: block;

Answer №1

One effective approach is to utilize the window resize event handler as shown below:

   var screenWidthBreakpoint = 768; //adjust this value based on your requirements
   if ($(window).width() > screenWidthBreakpoint) $('.toggleholder').show(); //display toggleholder for desktop 
   else $('.toggleholder').hide(); //hide toggleholder for mobile devices

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