When I apply properties in JavaScript, I find that I am unable to utilize the CSS "hover" feature

For a personal project I am currently working on, I decided to experiment with setting background colors using Javascript. However, I have encountered an issue where my CSS code that changes the hover property does not seem to work after implementing the Javascript.

Below is the Javascript code that is functioning correctly:

titles.forEach(titles => {
    document.getElementById(titles).style.backgroundColor = "#7dd5f8";
    document.getElementById(titles).style.color = "black";

Unfortunately, the following CSS code is not achieving the desired effect:

.titles:hover {
    border: 1px solid black;
    background-color: #a0e1fa;

Answer №1

Give it a try, the results should be successful.

I made a small adjustment in the CSS by adding a single class.

border: 1px solid black;
background-color: #a0e1fa !important;}

.bg_7dd5f8 { background-color: #7dd5f8;  }

Below is the JavaScript code:

 titles.forEach(titles => {
    document.getElementById(titles).classList.add('bg_7dd5f8 ');
    document.getElementById(titles).style.color = "black";

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