When hovering over various div elements in HTML

I've been experimenting with some code lately, and I'm trying to change the text color of a menu element when hovering over it. I can alter the background color just fine, but for some reason, the text color remains unchanged. Can anyone offer a solution?

<!DOCTYPE html>

<style type="text/css">
#nav  li {display: inline;}
#nav li  a {color: yellow; text-decoration: none; padding-right: 10px; }

<ul  id="nav">

<li id="a"><a href="#abt">ABOUT </a></li>
<li id="b" ><a href="#sequence">CONTENT</a></li>


<div id="abt" onmouseover="chbg('red')" onmouseout="chbg('white')"> 


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function chbg(color) {
    document.getElementById('a').style.cssText = 'color : black! important';

function chbg1(color) {
    document.getElementById('b').style.backgroundColor = color;




Answer №1

Your code isn't functioning as expected because when you use JavaScript to change the text color of an <li> element, it doesn't automatically apply to the <a> element inside it due to a different color (yellow) being explicitly specified for it. You can try a solution like this:


li.hovered a{
 color: black !important;


function chbg(color) {


function chbg(color) {

Answer №2

Upon reviewing your code, a few things stand out as peculiar. Firstly, it seems that the color argument in your function is not actually utilized.

Additionally, it appears that the element with the id a is a <li>, followed by an <a> element with its own color property. You may want to consider targeting the text color of the element directly using something like this:

function chbg(color) {
    document.getElementById('a').firstChild.style.color = color;

Another approach could be utilizing the document.querySelector method instead, to ensure you're selecting the correct element even if there are whitespace nodes present:

function chbg(color) {
    // The CSS selector "#a a" targets the <a> element within the parent <element id="a">
    document.querySelector('#a a').style.color = color;


It's also worth noting that the name of the function may be misleading in its current state.

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