When dynamically creating content with .html(), the JavaScript styling does not get applied properly

As I work on creating a mobile website using Cordova, I've come across an interesting javascript framework called nativedroid2. This framework offers ready-made html classes and effects that can be applied to the code.

Currently, my goal is to dynamically generate HTML code in jQuery by making AJAX calls to a server instead of burdening the server with handling the task. However, when trying to use the html() function on certain div elements to load HTML content, I noticed that the styling from nativedroid's javascript functions was not being applied. As a result, the appearance did not reflect the usage of nativedroid2. While I have yet to implement AJAX calls for this purpose, I wanted to ensure that html() would work properly with nativedroid.

var html1;
var html2;

function loadpage(id, data) {
  generateContent(id, data);


function generateContent(id, data) {
  html1 = "bunch of html for the header"
  html2 = "bunch of html for the body"

If anyone has suggestions for a better alternative to html(), or know of a fix to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate any insights and advice.

Answer №1

Option instead of using html()

An alternative method is to utilize the JavaScript function createElement()

var newPtag=$("#your_div_id").createElement('p');

This action will generate a new P-tag element, which can then have text assigned to it

newPtag.text("Text Content");

Answer №2

After doing some research, I learned that escaping the quotation marks was necessary. I decided to utilize an online tool for this task. However, the tool ended up converting " into "", resulting in an empty string. Once I removed this extra conversion, everything worked perfectly.

I appreciate anyone who took the time to provide an answer.

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