When clicked, the size of a link will adjust

Having trouble with my code and CSS. The pagination in Vue is working fine, but the links are changing size on certain pages. When clicking on the first or second number, the links remain the same size. However, when clicking on the third or fourth link, the links suddenly get bigger. Any help is much appreciated!

  <div class="pagination">
  <a class="hover"  @mouseover="isHovering = true" @mouseout="isHovering = false"  @click="changePageToParent(1); changePage(1);">First</a>
    <a class="hover" v-if="totalPage<=5"> <a class="hover" @mouseover="isHovering = true" @mouseout="isHovering = false" v-for="item in 5" v-bind:key="item" @click="changePageToParent(item); changePage(item)"> {{ item }} </a></a>

  <a v-else class="hover">
  <a v-if="lijeviOffset>=2" class="hover" >...</a> 

      <a class="hover" @mouseover="isHovering = true" @mouseout="isHovering = false" v-for="item in 5" v-bind:key="item" @click="changePageToParent(item); changePage(item)">
        <a class="hover" v-if="currentPage == 2">  {{ item+offset+1 }}  </a> 
        <a class="hover" v-else-if="currentPage == 1"> {{ item+offset+2 }}</a> 
                    <a class="hover" v-else>
                    <a class="hover" v-if="desniOffset == 8"> {{ item + 2 }} </a>  
                    <a class="hover" v-else-if="desniOffset == 9"> {{ item + 2}} </a>
                    <a class="hover" v-else>{{ item+offset }}</a>  
        <a v-if="provjera" class="hover">...</a>
  <a class="hover" @mouseover="isHovering = true" @mouseout="isHovering = false" @click="changePageToParent(totalPage); changePage(totalPage)">Last</a> 
export default {
  name: 'Pag',
  data() {
    return {
      currentPage: 1,
      da: null,
      perPage: 2,
      isHovering: false,
      isActive: false,

  props:  {
  total: Number,
  }, computed: {
    offset: function(){
    return this.currentPage-this.perPage-1;
    provjera: function(){
          return this.currentPage+this.perPage<this.totalPage ? 1 : null
    desniOffset: function () {
      return this.currentPage+this.perPage;
    lijeviOffset: function () {
      return this.currentPage-this.perPage;
  }, methods: {
    changePageToParent(id) {
      this.$emit('change-page-to-parent', id)
    changePage(id) {
      this.currentPage = id
    hoverToggle(subjectId, action){
        case 'mouseOver':
            return this.hoveredSubjectId = subjectId;
        case 'mouseLeave':
            return this.hoveredSubjectId = "";
  toggleClass() {
          this.isActive = !this.isActive;
<style scoped>

body {
    color: blue;

.pagination {
  width:0 auto;

.hover a {
  background-color: red;


Answer №1

Do you have a specific rationale for incorporating a "hover" class rather than utilizing the pseudo-class :hover?

Upon clicking three or four times, do the links increase in size when in their default state, on hover, or on click?

If the enlargement occurs on click, it is recommended to apply styling using the :active pseudo-class. Be mindful to arrange your pseudo-classes in this sequence to avoid conflicts: :link, :visited, :hover, :focus, :active.

Edit: Refer to the image below for clarification on my earlier comment: https://i.sstatic.net/s2s9E.png

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