When attempting to achieve a CSS percent width, the output is given in pixels instead. I am in search of a solution where the percentage remains the same as the

My styling is set as a percentage, like this:

  #somediv {width:70%}
<div id="somediv"></div>

jQuery's css() function returns the result in pixels

  var css = $("#somediv").css('width');

Answer №1

I have developed my own custom jQuery plugin to tackle this issue

(function ($) {
     $.fn.customcss= function(property) {

var selector = this.selector;
var cssProperty = property;

var cssValue;
$.each(document.styleSheets, function(sheetIndex, sheet) {
    $.each(sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules, function(ruleIndex, rule) {
        var selectors = rule.selectorText.toLowerCase().split(',');
            if(value.trim() == selector){
                var cssResult = rule.style.getPropertyValue(cssProperty);
                if(typeof(cssResult != 'undefined') && (cssResult != null)){
                    cssValue = cssResult;


var inlineStyles = $(selector).prop('style').cssText.split(';')
    var style = value.split(':');
    if(style[0].trim() == cssProperty){
        cssValue = style[1].trim();

if(typeof(cssValue) == 'undefined'){
    cssValue = $(selector).css(cssProperty);

return cssValue;


How to use:

    var cssValue = $('#somediv').customcss('width');

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