What's the technique for displaying a distinct value (label) in the filter dropdown as opposed to in the column itself?

Is there a way to display different values in a dropdown filter for a factor column in a DataTable? I would like to have HTML rendering within the column, but show a different label when filtering. I tried using factor labels without success. I plan to use this table in a Shiny app and am open to using CSS or JS modifications to achieve this.

In this example, the text in the table is bolded - ideally, only the values themselves should appear in the filtering dropdown, without the HTML tags. Is there a solution for this?


  iris %>%
    mutate(Species = factor(Species, levels = unique(.$Species),
                            labels = paste0('<strong>', unique(.$Species), '</strong>'))),
  escape = FALSE,
  filter = 'top')

Here's an image showcasing the desired outcome - removing the HTML tags from the filter options: https://i.sstatic.net/V04DWEVt.png

Answer №1

Utilizing the columnwise option render allows for altering the cell display without modifying their values.



dat <- iris

js <- c(
    "function (data, type, row, meta) {",
    "  if(type === 'display') {",
    "    var icon;",
    "    if(data === 'setosa') {",
    sprintf("icon = '%s'", as.character(fa_i("cat"))),
    "    } else if(data === 'versicolor') {",
    sprintf("icon = '%s'", as.character(fa_i("dog"))),
    "    } else if(data === 'virginica') {",
    sprintf("icon = '%s'", as.character(fa_i("fish"))),
    "    }",
    "    return '<em>' + '&nbsp;' + icon + data + '</em>';",
    "  } else {",
    "    return data;",
    "  }",

dtable <- datatable(
    rownames = TRUE,
    filter = "top",
    options = 
            columnDefs =
                        targets = list(5),
                        render = JS(js)

deps <- dtable$dependencies
deps <- c(deps, list(fa_html_dependency()))
dtable$dependencies <- deps

When used in a Shiny app, the final step is not required:

deps <- dtable$dependencies
deps <- c(deps, list(fa_html_dependency()))
dtable$dependencies <- deps

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