What's preventing me from tapping on hyperlinks on my mobile device?

I'm currently working on a website (saulesinterjerai.lt) and everything seems to be functioning properly, except for the fact that on mobile devices, the links aren't clickable and instead navigates to other layers. How can I disable this behavior in the code itself rather than adjusting it through the browser settings?

Below is the code that I've written so far, with some sections being adapted from online sources (all located within the "dep" folder if you're familiar with using developer tools). I suspect that the issue may be related to either the 'pjax' or the proprietary 'zoomable' module, but I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause:

var pjax = new Pjax({ selectors: ["head title", "body"] })
var Site;

var attach_menu_control = function() {
  // Function logic here

// Various event listeners are set up for different actions

function hasClass(element, cls) {
    return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1;

function is_touch_device() {
    return 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints;

CSS styling:

// CSS styles for the menu function and responsiveness based on screen size go here

Answer №1

It appears that the issue is related to a specific function being called:

 var click_handler = function(e){
    var width = (window.innerWidth > 0) ? window.innerWidth : screen.width;
    if ($sidebar_content.style.display == 'none') {
    } else if (width <= 724) {

The e.preventDefault() in the code prevents the default browser action, which would normally be to switch pages and follow the URL in the link.

It is important to consider which element this handler is attached to, as it may not feel natural for certain elements like links.

The warnings from the Chrome console specifically mention:

Ignored attempt to cancel a touchend event with cancelable=false, for example because scrolling is in progress and cannot be interrupted.
click_handler @ app.js:34


Upon reviewing the handlers on your elements, it seems there may be conflicting roles causing unexpected behavior. If possible, simplifying or rewriting the menu system integration could resolve the issue.

If restructuring isn't an option, implementing a workaround might be beneficial. For instance, adding a transparent overlay when the menu is open can signify to users that the rest of the screen is inactive. Setting pointer-events: none on the main content during this time will ensure only the menu receives interaction events. I hope this suggestion proves helpful!

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