What strategies should be employed to manage data-driven input in this particular scenario?

In the process of creating a small webpage, I have designed 2 navigation panels - one on the left and one on the right.

The leftNav panel contains a list of different flower names.

While the rightNav panel displays images corresponding to each flower.

An example layout is shown below:

|               |                      Pics of Flower1 |
|  |'''''''|    |       |'''''|           |'''''|      |
|  |flower1|    |       |  A  |           |  C  |      |
|               |       |.....|           |.....|      |
|  |'''''''|    |                                      |
|  |flower2|    |                                      |
|               |       |'''''|           |'''''|      |
|  |'''''''|    |       |  B  |           |  D  |      |
|  |flower3|    |       |.....|           |.....|      | 
|               |                                      |

Check out the demo here

As I move towards making this page data-driven, I am faced with the challenge of retrieving data from a database for rendering. How can this be done most efficiently?

My current approach involves creating a JSON object structured like this:

var data = {
    "Lotus" : [ "a1.jpg", "a1.jpg", "a1.jpg", "a1.jpg"  ], 

    "Orchid" : [ "o1.jpg", "o1.jpg", "o1.jpg", "o1.jpg"  ], 

    "Tulip" : [ "t1.jpg", "t1.jpg", "t1.jpg", "t1.jpg"  ], 

    "Rose" : [ "r1.jpg", "r1.jpg", "r1.jpg", "r1.jpg"  ], 

Do you think this is an effective method? Any suggestions for a better approach?

Answer №1

In the realm of JSON, the preferred approach is to create a more elaborate object, detailing the attributes of each item. Below is an array of objects exemplifying this concept:

var items = [
    "title": "Rose",
    "pictures": [ "r1.jpg", "r2.jpg", "r3.jpg", "r4.jpg" ]
    "title": "Sunflower",
    "pictures": [ "s1.jpg", "s2.jpg", "s3.jpg", "s4.jpg" ]

You can iterate through this array and access data such as items[0].title and items[1].pictures[2].

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