What steps should I take to ensure that this website is responsive across all screen sizes?

Struggling with adapting to different screen sizes, especially with Bootstrap.

Below are the images for reference: https://i.stack.imgur.com/AlCjA.png


Sass source code snippet:

  background: $main-background
  margin: 0
  width: 100%
  height: 100%
  position: absolute
  color: white
  font-family: Arial
  width: 100%
  height: 100%
  background-color: $plok-orange
  background-repeat: no-repeat
  background-size: 100%
  background-position: 50% 50%
  @media screen and (max-width: 1170px)
  min-width: 960px
    width: 960px
  margin-top: $margin-top-footer
  float: left
  margin-left: 20px

.footer-left h1
  color: $plok-black
  font-size: 30px
  font-family: Helvetica
  font-weight: lighter

  margin-top: $margin-negative-footer
  float: right
  margin-left: 200px

.footer-right h1
  color: $plok-black
  font-size: 30px
  font-family: $font-stack
  font-weight: lighter   

HTML Source Code:

<div class="jumbotron">
        <h1 class="display-4">..........</h1>
        <p class="lead">........</p>
        <hr class="my-4">
        <a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="#" role="button">Learn more</a>
    <div class="footer">
        <div class="footer-left">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-2">
                    <img src="images/plokster-art-1.jpg" alt="..." class="img-thumbnail">
                <div class="col-md-2">
                    <img src="images/plokster-art-2.jpg" alt="..." class="img-thumbnail">
                <div class="col-md-2">
                    <img src="images/plokster-art-3.jpg" alt="..." class="img-thumbnail">
                <div class="footer-right">

Despite attempting a variety of max-width/min-width adjustments, the content still doesn't fit my original screen size. Using SASS for styling.`

Answer №1

You should apply some styling to your main element named jumbotron

I'm not completely sure what you're aiming for, but here's my suggestion.

Since your footer has the style position: absolute, it might be beneficial to have a relative parent element. You can try adding this to your main class:

.jumbotron {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;

You could also consider using absolute positioning for the footer so that its position is fixed in place:

.footer {
  left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;

Keep in mind that percentage-based dimensions like width: 100% are calculated based on the parent element. So, setting it to 100% means it will take up the full width of its parent. It appears that you haven't applied any styles to your main element yet.

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