What steps should I follow to design a unique select element using divs?

In my process of creating a unique custom design, I opted not to utilize a select element. Instead, I attempted to retrieve the value in handleSubmit(), but it kept displaying as undefined in the console.


const handleSubmit = (event) => {
  var timing = document.getElementById("timings-id");
  <div class="timings" id="timings-id">
    <div value="01:00">01:00</div>
    <div value="02:00">02:00</div>
    <div value="03:00">03:00</div>
    <div value="04:00">04:00</div>
    <div value="05:00">05:00</div>
    <div value="06:00">06:00</div>
    <div value="07:00">07:00</div>
    <div value="08:00">08:00</div>
    <div value="09:00">09:00</div>
    <div value="10:00">10:00</div>
    <div value="11:00">11:00</div>
    <div value="12:00">12:00</div>
  <button type="submit" onclick="handleSubmit()">BOOK<button>

Answer №1

If you need a module to calculate the chosen hours, consider using the code snippet provided below:

function SelectTime(node) {
  var selectedHours = {};
  function getChosenTimes() {
    return Object.keys(selectedHours).filter(function(hour) {
      return selectedHours[hour];
  function toggleTimeSelection(ev) {
    var timeKey = ev.target.dataset.value;
    var isSelected = ev.target.classList.contains('selected');
    selectedHours[timeKey] = !isSelected;
  node.addEventListener('click', toggleTimeSelection);
  return {
    getChosenTimes: getChosenTimes

const form = document.querySelector('form');
const timeSelector = SelectTime(document.querySelector('#timings-id'));

form.addEventListener('submit', function(ev) {
.timings div {
  padding: .25rem .5rem;
  cursor: pointer;

.selected {
  background: skyblue;
   <div class="timings" id="timings-id">
     <div data-value="01:00">01:00</div>
     <div data-value="02:00">02:00</div>
     <div data-value="03:00">03:00</div>
     <div data-value="04:00">04:00</div>
     <div data-value="05:00">05:00</div>
     <div data-value="06:00">06:00</div>
     <div data-value="07:00">07:00</div>
     <div data-value="08:00">08:00</div>
     <div data-value="09:00">09:00</div>
     <div data-value="10:00">10:00</div>
     <div data-value="11:00">11:00</div>
     <div data-value="12:00">12:00</div>
  <button type="submit">CONFIRM</button>

Answer №2

To achieve this, one method is to set click event handlers on your inner divs and then utilize the onclick function to add a data-value attribute to the parent container.

const timeDiv = document.getElementById("time-container");
const valueContainers = timeDiv.querySelectorAll("div");
const confirmButton = document.getElementById("confirm-button");

valueContainers.forEach((container) => {
  container.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    timeDiv.dataset.value = e.target.dataset.value;

const handleConfirm = (event) => {
  var selectedTime = document.getElementById("time-container");

confirmButton.addEventListener("click", handleConfirm);

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