What steps do I need to take in order to develop a custom interactive analyzer game using html/css

Hello there,

I am on a mission to develop a mobile-friendly version of an analyzer game that I came across on this link - . The current version of the game is built using flash. My goal is to be able to easily customize the colors and images to fit different themes, while keeping the core gameplay the same as the original link.

I've searched high and low for different examples, but most of them are quiz games that provide a score at the end. I am open to any suggestions or ideas you may have!

Many thanks, Kevin

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this, the first step is to establish your final results and assign them a score of 0.

var results = [
    {points: 0, name: 'red'},
    {points: 0, name: 'green'},
    /* ... */

You also need to define your questions:

var questions = [
        question : 'Which flower do you like the most?',
        answers : [
                { text: 'poppy', result: 0 },
                { text: 'corn-flower', result: 2 },
                { text: 'sunflower', result: 3 },
                { text: 'artichoke', result: 1 }
    /* ... */

To accomplish this task, you'll require a few functions along with some variables:

var qEl = document.getElementById('question'),
aEl = document.getElementsByClassName('answer'),
res = document.getElementById('result'),
cur = -1,

// function to display the next question
function nextQuestion(){
    question = questions[cur];
    qEl.innerHTML = (cur+1) + ' - ' + question.question;
    for(var i=0; i<aEl.length; i++){
        aEl[i].innerHTML = question.answers[i].text;

// increments the related result by 1 and moves to the next question
function answer(num){
    var result = results[question.answers[num].result];
    result.points = result.points + 1;
        for(var i=0, len=aEl.length; i<len; i++){
            aEl[i].style.display = 'none';
        qEl.style.display = 'none';
        res.style.display = 'block';
        res.innerHTML = 'Your favorite color appears to be ' + getMaxScore() + '!';
        res.className = getMaxScore();
    } else {

// retrieves the name of the result with the highest score
function getMaxScore(){
    var maxPoints = 0;
    var maxName = '';
    for(var i=0, len=results.length; i<len; i++){
            maxPoints = results[i].points;
            maxName = results[i].name;
    return maxName;

After setting up the functions, you can display the first question and link the answer() function to the onclick event of the answer elements.


for(var i=0, len=aEl.length; i<len; i++){
        aEl[i].onclick = function(){

Lastly, here is the corresponding HTML code:

<h2 id="question"></h2>
<p class="answer"></p>
<p class="answer"></p>
<p class="answer"></p>
<p class="answer"></p>
<h1 id="result"></h1>

Ready to give it a go?

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