Currently, I am working on integrating a custom combobox dropdown using angular 4 into my web application.
Incorporating this custom combobox as one of the fields in a list of line items using div elements has been successful so far.
My main concern is that when trying to open the dropdown in the last line item of the list, it extends beyond the window screen. How can I ensure that the entire dropdown is fully visible to the user automatically when opening the combobox at the bottom of the page?
<div style="height: 56px; margin-left: 7px; min-width:220px" [style.width]="columnsHeaderWidth.division">
<div style="width:180px; height: 56px; max-width:180px; cursor: pointer;">
<combo-box [id]="'division-'+user.uuid" [userOption]="true" [isSelected]="false"
bind-placeHolder="'Select division/group...'"
[source]="divisions" [selectedValue]="user.divisionId" (onSelected)="onChangeDivision($event,user,"
[isIconItemList]="true" [itemListWidth]="'230px'"
(click)="rowClick(user)" (onFocusVisible)="tabFocus($event, user)">