I'm having trouble with certain CSS elements not rendering correctly on my Bootstrap v5.3 form.
For some reason, most of the rows on my page have a small purple rectangle in front of them:
The presence of this rectangle is consistent across the display, but I'm unsure why it appears.
When I enter my Razor code to loop through and display phone numbers, the purple spacer disappears and the alignment with other rows gets disrupted:
In the Inspector code, both DIV tags contain the same information, yet the second one lacks the rectangular area.
I'd like to resolve this issue, but since I don't understand why it occurs in the first place, I'm uncertain how to recreate it when it doesn't happen.
In site.css:
.row {
--bs-gutter-x: 1.5rem;
--bs-gutter-y: 0;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
margin-top: calc(-1 * var(--bs-gutter-y));
margin-right: calc(-0.5 * var(--bs-gutter-x));
margin-left: calc(-0.5 * var(--bs-gutter-x));
.row > * {
flex-shrink: 0;
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
padding-right: calc(var(--bs-gutter-x) * 0.5);
padding-left: calc(var(--bs-gutter-x) * 0.5);
margin-top: var(--bs-gutter-y);
.col-md-2 {
flex: 0 0 auto;
width: 16.66666667%;
In Account.razor:
@page "/Account/{appid:long}"
@inherits BaseAppState
Is there anyone who can assist me with this issue?