What steps can I take to ensure that the elements are in the same row instead of being displayed in three separate rows?

(I'm a beginner in web development and need some help) Is there a way to align elements into the same row instead of stacking them up in separate rows? I'm working on creating a header bar similar to the one on the Naive UI Documentation Website. My tech stack includes Vue.js 3 with composition API, TypeScript, Naive UI Component Library, and Tailwind CSS.


<script setup lang="ts">
import {RouterLink, RouterView, useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {
  NAvatar, NButton, NConfigProvider, NDialogProvider, NDropdown,
  NLayout, NLayoutHeader, NLoadingBarProvider, NMenu, NMessageProvider, NSpace
} from 'naive-ui'
import type { DropdownOption } from 'naive-ui'
import TopViewGuide from "@/views/Guides/TopViewGuide.vue";
const $router = useRouter();
import {h, ref} from 'vue'
import type {Component} from "vue";
import { NIcon } from 'naive-ui'
import type { MenuOption } from 'naive-ui'

function renderIcon (icon: Component) {
  return () => h(NIcon, null, { default: () => h(icon) })

const menuOptions: MenuOption[] = [
    label: 'Home',
    key: 'home'
    label: 'Tools',
    key: 'tools'
    label: 'Schedules',
    key: 'schedules'
    label: 'Tasks',
    key: 'tasks'

const activeKey = ref(), isLoggedIn = false;
const dropdownOptions: DropdownOption[] = [
  { label: "Account", key: "auth.principal" },
  { label: "Sign out", key: "auth.sign-out" },
function dropdownHandler(key: string) {
  $router.push({ name: key });

  <div class="flex items-center justify-between px-8 w-full">
    <div class="flex items-center cursor-pointer">
      <img src="@/assets/images/TaskJournal%20Icon.svg" width="40" height="40" />
    <div class="flex-grow">
      <NMenu v-model:value="activeKey" mode="horizontal" :options="menuOptions"/>
    <div v-if="!isLoggedIn" class="flex gap-3">
      <NButton type="primary">Get Started</NButton>
    <div v-else class="flex gap-3">
      <NDropdown placement="bottom-end" show-arrow :options="dropdownOptions" @select="dropdownHandler">

<style scoped>



<script setup lang="ts">
import {RouterLink, RouterView, useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {
  NAvatar, NButton, NConfigProvider, NDialogProvider, NDropdown,
  NLayout, NLayoutHeader, NLoadingBarProvider, NMenu, NMessageProvider, NSpace
} from 'naive-ui'
import type { DropdownOption } from 'naive-ui'
import TopViewGuide from "@/views/Guides/TopViewGuide.vue";
const $router = useRouter();
import {h, ref} from 'vue'
import type {Component} from "vue";
import { NIcon } from 'naive-ui'
import type { MenuOption } from 'naive-ui'

          <NLayoutHeader bordered class="h-16 flex">
          <div class="w-full relative">

<style scoped>


In my App.vue file, the <RouterView> component is the only element within the <template>.

I've attempted using flex containers for each element but it hasn't worked as expected. View image here for reference. Feeling quite confused at this point and could use some guidance.

Answer №1

Is this the desired outcome?

  <div class="flex items-center justify-between px-8 w-full">
    <div class="items-center cursor-pointer">
      <img src="@/assets/images/TaskJournal%20Icon.svg" width="40" height="40" />
    <div class="">
      <NMenu v-model:value="activeKey" mode="horizontal" :options="menuOptions"/>
    <div v-if="!isLoggedIn" class="gap-3">
      <NButton type="primary">Get Started</NButton>
    <div v-else class="gap-3">
      <NDropdown placement="bottom-end" show-arrow :options="dropdownOptions" @select="dropdownHandler">

A flex container can contain divs (or display: block tags) in a single row.

Refer to https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_flexbox.asp

Answer №2

Another option is to utilize the "Float" element. The float property in CSS is used to position and format content, allowing elements to float alongside each other rather than stacking on top of each other.

.mybox div {

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