What steps can be taken to resolve the delay in transition when clicking on "read less

I implemented a transition effect for the Read More and Read Less buttons, however, there seems to be a delay on the transition when clicking on the Read Less button. This delay was not intentionally set by me. How can I resolve this issue and also apply a transition effect to a gradient?

You can view my Code Sandbox project here: https://codesandbox.io/s/aged-breeze-bbqel

Answer №1

The issue lies not within react js itself, but rather in your css styling.

When you trigger a transition, the css for the Pure component style is executed with every click, causing a delay of 1.5 seconds to complete. To fix this, simply add a condition to the transition so that it only works on collapse events.

Change this:

transition: all 1.5s ease-in-out;

To this:

transition: ${(props) => (props.collapse ? "" : "all 1.5s ease-in-out")};

You can find a solution here

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