What steps can be taken to avoid the table row from getting hidden behind the table header?

I am aiming to implement sticky headers for a table using only CSS.

You can refer to this link for guidance: Table fixed header and scrollable body

Everything looks good when the page loads, but as soon as I start scrolling, a sliver of data appears above the table header.

 <div class="large-12 columns" ng-show="$ctrl.filteredParticipantsDt.length != 0">
    <div style="max-height: 260px; overflow: auto;" class="tableFixHead">
        <table border="1" style="width: 100%" >
                <th><a ng-click="$ctrl.orderByField='ID_NBR'; $ctrl.reverseSort = !$ctrl.reverseSort" refresh-session>IDENTIFIER
                    <span ng-show="$ctrl.orderByField == 'ID_NBR'"><span ng-show="!$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-up"></span><span ng-show="$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-down"></span></span></a></th>
                <th><a ng-click="$ctrl.orderByField='CNCAT_LST_FRST_M_I'; $ctrl.reverseSort = !$ctrl.reverseSort" refresh-session>PERSON
                    <span ng-show="$ctrl.orderByField == 'CNCAT_LST_FRST_M_I'"><span ng-show="!$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-up"></span><span ng-show="$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-down"></span></span></a></th>
                <th><a ng-click="$ctrl.orderByField='SHRT_DESC'; $ctrl.reverseSort = !$ctrl.reverseSort" refresh-session>ROLE
                    <span ng-show="$ctrl.orderByField == 'SHRT_DESC'"><span ng-show="!$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-up"></span><span ng-show="$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-down"></span></span></a></th>
                <th><a ng-click="$ctrl.orderByField='EFF_DT'; $ctrl.reverseSort = !$ctrl.reverseSort" refresh-session>EFFECTIVE DATE
                    <span ng-show="$ctrl.orderByField == 'EFF_DT'"><span ng-show="!$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-up"></span><span ng-show="$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-down"></span></span></a></th>
                <th><a ng-click="$ctrl.orderByField='END_DT'; $ctrl.reverseSort = !$ctrl.reverseSort" refresh-session>END DATE
                    <span ng-show="$ctrl.orderByField == 'END_DT'"><span ng-show="!$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-up"></span><span ng-show="$ctrl.reverseSort" class="fi-arrow-down"></span></span></a></th>
        <tr ng-repeat="a in $ctrl.filteredParticipantsDt|orderBy:$ctrl.orderByField:!$ctrl.reverseSort" 
            ng-class="{Highlight: a.PCR_ID === $ctrl.Selected.PCR_ID, endDatedRow: a.END_DATED_IND == 'Y'}" refresh-session>
                <td>{{ a.CNCAT_LST_FRST_M_I }}</td>
                <td>{{a.DISPLAYEND || ''}}</td>

Answer №1

Although my response may be tardy, I encountered the same issue before. The culprit lies in the table header having an unseen border that must be eliminated to avoid the appearance of an additional pixel behind it. To address this succinctly, utilize the following inline solution:

<div class="large-12 columns" ng-show="$ctrl.filteredParticipantsDt.length != 0">
<div style="max-height: 260px; overflow: auto;" class="tableFixHead">
    <table border="1" style="width: 100%" >
. . .

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