What role do postcss-autoreset and postcss-initial play in CSS processing?

Can you explain the purpose of:

The documentation for both plugins lacks detail and fails to clarify why they should be used and what their intended functions are.

I have experimented with autoreset, which appears to add all: initial to every styled element. This approach seems inefficient based on the resulting output.

How does this differ from the following CSS code snippet?

* {
    all: initial,
    font-family: "Roboto"

Upon inspecting the code for autoreset, it appears to operate in a similar manner: https://github.com/maximkoretskiy/postcss-autoreset/blob/master/src/resetRules.es6

I fail to see the advantages of using autoreset over simply using *

Answer №1

postcss-autoreset is a tool designed to prevent inherited properties in CSS.

Picture this scenario: you create a component and release it on npm. You carefully utilize BEM or CSS Modules to ensure isolated selectors. However, another developer adds the following code snippet to their webpage:

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  line-height: 2

Due to the non-default box-sizing, all your sizes are thrown off. Additionally, with the non-standard line-height, text sizes become inconsistent, disrupting your design.

An actual instance of this issue can be seen in the EmojiMart component.

postcss-autoreset automatically includes all: initial within every selector in your component's CSS:

.component {
  all: initial; /* inserted by postcss-autoreset, not authored by you */
  width: 100px;
  padding: 10px;
.component_title {
  all: initial; /* inserted by postcss-autoreset, not authored by you */
  height: 20px;

By having this auto-inserted all: initial, user-defined box-sizing and line-height settings are overridden within your component, ensuring consistency across different websites.

Answer №2

Using this method is superior to using * when aiming to develop isolatable components, such as those that can be seamlessly integrated into other applications or websites like a plug-in or add-on.

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