I've been working on creating a website for some time now, and I decided to incorporate a react-calendar component from this link. Initially, when the page was simpler, it worked perfectly as intended and displayed like this based on the example provided:
However, as I added more complexity to the webpage during development, the calendar ended up looking completely distorted and only appeared plain, like this:
I suspected that something might be overriding the css properties of my calendar component, so I attempted moving it outside the main app div as shown below:
Unfortunately, relocating the calendar did not resolve the appearance issue. Upon inspecting the elements in the browser, I noticed some css values being crossed out, which seemed suspicious:
Is there a method to prevent parent elements from overriding the css properties of the calendar component? Or am I possibly overlooking a crucial aspect in the code that would restore the neat appearance of the calendar? It consistently displays properly if implemented in a fresh project (but I'd prefer it to function correctly across all instances :D).
Thank you in advance for any advice you may provide! :)
Wishing you a wonderful day!