What is the technique to enable this div to be clickable?

I am trying to make each "card" of a WordPress plugin clickable on my website. I have inserted a Pure JS element with the following code:

document.getElementsByClassName('fc_card-container').onclick = function() {alert('It works!');}

Unfortunately, it is not working as expected. Can someone please help me figure out what I am doing wrong? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To add a click event listener to every card:

// Select all elements with the .fc_card-container class and store them in a variable
// Using .getElementsByClassName returns an array-like object containing all selected elements
var cards = document.getElementsByClassName('fc_card-container');

// Convert the NodeList of cards into an array using [].slice.apply(cards)
// Use .forEach to iterate through the array of cards

[].slice.apply(cards).forEach(function(card, index){ 

    // Each element in the array represents a card
    // Add an event listener for each card using .addEventListener(EVENT, callback)

    card.addEventListener("click", function(e){ 
        console.log(cards[index]); // Index indicates the precise array position (index) of the clicked card
        console.log(e.target); // e.target provides access to the clicked element


Answer №2

document.querySelectorAll gives you an array of elements that match your specified selector. In this scenario, it would return an array of elements with the class name fc_card-container. To proceed, you can loop through these elements and attach an event listener to each one individually or target a specific element using its index (starting from 0).

Attaching Click Event to All Elements

var cards = document.querySelectorAll('.fc_card-container');
for(var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++){ //loop through each card
   cards[i].onclick = function() {alert('Success!');};

Attaching Click Event to a Single Element (e.g., 3rd element)

var cards = document.querySelectorAll('.fc_card-container');
cards[2].onclick = function() {alert('Success!');}; //0,1,2

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