What is the solution for aligning <grid> containers to match the height of the tallest container in the row?

I've been grappling with a CSS issue. I'm attempting to ensure that my accordion containers within my layout all have the same height as the tallest item on their respective rows. This would create a sleek and responsive layout where all items are uniform in height and width:

Currently, however, the heights of my accordions are inconsistent.

Here's a quick visual representation of my dilemma:

Each accordion consists of an icon, title text, and subtitle text.

The current problems include:

  • Varied character lengths for titles and subtitles result in some containers being larger or smaller than others. The icons exacerbate this issue by further pushing the text around.

I have created a demo showcasing my problem in the sandbox below: https://codesandbox.io/s/fancy-leaf-nz9x0?file=/src/index.js

Ideally, the icon, text, and subtitle elements would align horizontally within each accordion item.

Any suggestions on how to address this using CSS?

Answer №1

If you're looking to ensure uniform height for all elements, the following code snippet could be of help; it caters to scenarios where you want either all elements to share the same height or only elements within a row to have equal heights.

    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; // two columns of equal width

    // Select one of the options below 
    grid-auto-rows: 1fr; // ensures all elements match the tallest element's height
    grid-template-rows: 1fr; // sets each row's elements to an equal height (varies by row)

    gap: 1rem; // space between each element

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