What is the significance of using single quotation marks to enclose the 'raw' key in Tailwind?

While reviewing the Tailwind documentation on custom media queries, I came across an interesting option to create a fully custom breakpoint using the 'raw' key.

After adding this to my configuration file, I noticed that when I saved the file, Prettier automatically removed the single quotation marks (' ') from the raw key. This meant that ('raw') became (raw).

This made me wonder if it is okay for the raw key to not be enclosed in single quotation marks, or if it should be exactly as ('raw').

If anyone could provide an explanation for this, I would greatly appreciate it.

I tried looking through the Tailwind docs for clarification but couldn't find a satisfactory answer.

Answer №1

'raw' and raw are considered the same when used as an object key in JavaScript, so feel free to use either raw.

In JavaScript, object keys do not require quotation marks in object initialization if:

  • The key consists only of numbers.
  • The key starts with a letter and contains only letters, numbers, and underscores.

This is a feature of JavaScript syntax rather than Tailwind CSS, which is why it may not have been explicitly mentioned in their documentation.

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