What is the secret to keeping a hover effect active?

As I hover over the buttons in my stack, a text box appears on the right side. The intention is for this text box to act as a scroll box, but it disappears when I move my mouse to scroll because it needs to be continuously hovered upon to stay active.

To see an example of this effect in action, visit my page here and navigate to the "Commissions" box on the left.

I am aiming to achieve a similar result to what is showcased on this page under "Art Info".

CSS Code:

(CSS code here)

HTML Code:

(HTML code here)

Any assistance with solving this issue will be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Utilize the functionality of jQuery fadeIn to create a smooth transition for displaying the text box when triggered by the onmouseover event. For further details, refer to http://api.jquery.com/fadein/. Additionally, incorporate an icon or link that allows users to easily close the text box once they have completed reading.

Answer №2

If you're looking for some assistance, feel free to check out this code snippet http://jsfiddle.net/S7EjW/

In order for the element to appear on hover properly, make sure it is contained within the element being hovered over. This way, when the mouse moves off, it won't trigger the mouseleave event causing the element to fade away.


<div class="element">
    <span class="title">Hover over me for more information.</span>
    <span class="info">This is a sample informational span that displays when hovering over the title.</span>


}, function(){

Answer №3

Fiddle Link : http://jsfiddle.net/z3EML/

To maintain a hover effect, JavaScript or jQuery can be used. When an element is hovered over, you can apply a specific class to show the desired content.

For example :


<div class="menu">
    <a href="#" class="show_textbox">Hover</a>
<div class="textbox">
    <input type="text"/>



JS :


This jQuery function will add the .show class when hovering over the element. Custom CSS properties can be applied to .show for the hover state to persist even after page refresh.

Answer №4

Unable to leave a comment, I'll respond by sharing my knowledge from memory.

Explore the features of CSS3, specifically the ">" operator for more advanced styling techniques.

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