What is the recommended way to handle passing props to child components in React - should all props be passed down, or only specific props

When it comes to passing props to child components, which approach is more efficient:

Method 1. Utilize {...props} to pass all props, for example:

ParentComponent = (props) => {
    return <ChildComponent {...props}> 

Method 2. Explicitly pass only the necessary props, like this:

ParentComponent = ({prop1, prop2}) => {
    return <ChildComponent prop1={prop1}, prop2={prop2}> 

Method 1: may trigger warnings when unintended or unauthorized props are passed on to children components, as explained here.

Method 2: can be cumbersome when trying to apply CSS styles to child components, specifically in scenarios where consistent styling across multiple instances of a reused component is desired, since each CSS style property must be explicitly included in the set of props being transferred downwards.

Answer №1

Avoiding prop drilling is imperative as it can significantly impact the performance of your application. Instead, consider implementing a different approach to ensure optimal speed and efficiency. :)

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