What is the reason that certain functionalities do not work on an element that has two CSS classes assigned to it

I have a unique situation with two input elements and a button:

<input class="close-acc-usr opt-in" type="text" name="closeAccUsr" />
<input class="close-acc-pin opt-in" type="number" name="closeAccPin" />
<button class="opt-btn close-btn">→</button>

When I click the button, I want both input elements to clear. I tried using this code in the JS event handler function:

document.querySelector('.opt-in').value = '';

However, this code doesn't work as expected. Interestingly, when I replace '.opt-in' with '.close-acc-pin' or '.close-acc-usr', it works perfectly fine. Why does it not work with '.opt-in'?

Answer №1

Make sure to use the querySelectorAll method to target all input elements:

const button = document.querySelector('.opt-btn')
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
  const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('.opt-in');
  inputs.forEach(input => input.value = '')
<input class="close-acc-usr opt-in" type="text" name="closeAccUsr" />
<input class="close-acc-pin opt-in" type="number" name="closeAccPin" />
<button class="opt-btn close-btn">→</button>

Answer №2

Why use two classes for the input when you can simply change the opt-in class to an id like this:

<input id="opt-in" class="close-acc-usr" type="text" name="closeAccUsr" />

Then in your Javascript code:

document.querySelector('#opt-in').value = '';

Alternatively, you can also do this:

 document.getElementById('opt-in').value = '';

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