I've been trying to understand why there is a misalignment on the page when you scroll down on "". The Product Testing and The Sun Trial sections are not lining up correctly. I used a builder to create these boxes, so I'm not sure what could be causing this issue. All the boxes on the page were created in the same way.
Here are the attributes for these "promo boxes": Attributes:
- Image (upload photo for Promo Box item - can be on right or left side)
- Title (title for Progress Box item);
- Content (content for Progress box item);
- Button Text (type text for the button inside Progress Box item)
- Button Link (link for the button)
- Image position (choose between left or right side position for image above)
- Border (choose if you want to show border on right hand side or not)
- Open in new window (choose if you want to open link in new window or not)
- Animation (choose entrance animation on scroll or leave without animation)
Thank you for your assistance :)