What is the reason behind the frequent use of !important in style.scss files?

During Bootstrap tutorials, many individuals implementing their own Sass variables in a customized style.scss tend to utilize trailing !important.

If you'd like to observe an example of this practice, check out the video starting at 13:45 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDSkqQft92o&time_continue=24&app=desktop

.navbar {
  width: 100%;
  background none !important;

  @media(max-width: 34em) {
    background: black !important; 

Interestingly, other segments of code within the .scss file do not require the use of !important. The reasoning behind this remains unclear.

Any suggestions or insights on this matter?

Answer №1

When using !important in CSS, it signifies that the style defined will take precedence over any other conflicting styles applied to the same element. For instance:

.box {
  background-color: red;
.highlighted {
  background-color: blue !important;

If you have a

<div class="highlighted box"></div>
, it will display with a blue background color, not red.

Answer №2

The concept of ! important in CSS serves to prioritize a specific rule over others, ensuring it takes precedence. By using ! important, you are essentially telling the browser that this rule is more crucial and should be applied above all others. However, it is important to note that relying on ! important should be avoided whenever possible. It is recommended to organize your CSS rules in such a way that the most relevant ones come last, without needing to resort to ! important declarations. Only utilize ! important when absolutely necessary for overriding conflicting styles.

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