What is the reason behind my button appearing beneath my links in React?

Here is an image showcasing the current header render. The header consists of a HeaderMenu and 3 Links. While the links are functioning properly, the HeaderMenu is causing the links to be positioned below it. The HeaderMenu includes a div that wraps a Button and Popper, creating a dropdown menu.

I'm uncertain if this design structure is ideal, but for the styling aspect, I use a styles.js file from which I extract styles. These styles are then passed down as props to the smaller components for rendering. Hence, the components here have a 'classes' prop coming from useStyles in index.js.


import { AppBar, Button, Link, Toolbar, Typography } from '@material-ui/core'
import HeaderMenu from './HeaderMenu.js'

const Header = (props) => {
  const { classes } = props

  return (
        <AppBar position="static" color="default" elevation={0} className={classes.appBar}>
        <Toolbar className={classes.toolbar}>
          <Typography variant="h6" color="inherit" noWrap className={classes.toolbarTitle}>
            Company name
            <HeaderMenu classes={classes}/>
            <Link variant="button" color="textPrimary" href="#" className={classes.link}>
            <Link variant="button" color="textPrimary" href="#" className={classes.link}>
            <Link variant="button" color="textPrimary" href="#" className={classes.link}>
          <Button href="#" color="primary" variant="outlined" className={classes.link}>

export default Header


import React from 'react'
import { Button, ClickAwayListener, Grow, Paper, Popper, MenuItem, MenuList } from '@material-ui/core'

const HeaderMenu = (props) => {
  const { classes } = props
  const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
  const anchorRef = React.useRef(null)

  const handleToggle = () => {
    setOpen((prevOpen) => !prevOpen)

  const handleClose = (event) => {
    if (anchorRef.current && anchorRef.current.contains(event.target)) {


  function handleListKeyDown (event) {
    if (event.key === 'Tab') {

  // return focus to the button when we transitioned from !open -> open
  const prevOpen = React.useRef(open)
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (prevOpen.current === true && open === false) {

    prevOpen.current = open
  }, [open])

  return (
    <div className={classes.link}>
          aria-controls={open ? 'menu-list-grow' : undefined}
        <Popper open={open} anchorEl={anchorRef.current} role={undefined} transition disablePortal>
          {({ TransitionProps, placement }) => (
              style={{ transformOrigin: placement === 'bottom' ? 'center top' : 'center bottom' }}
                <ClickAwayListener onClickAway={handleClose}>
                  <MenuList autoFocusItem={open} id="menu-list-grow" onKeyDown={handleListKeyDown}>
                    <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Profile</MenuItem>
                    <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>My account</MenuItem>
                    <MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Logout</MenuItem>

export default HeaderMenu

Answer №1

To ensure all your links are neatly organized, enclose them within a container and insert it into your


display: flex;
justify-content: space-evenly;
align-items: center;

By doing this, you can maintain everything on one line.

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