What is the proper file format for a form action in CSS?

What I Currently Have:

In my Index.html file, there are a total of 4 form elements including text fields and a dropdown. Upon submission by the user, the data is processed in confirm.html using a separate JavaScript file for formatting before being displayed as shown [in this image][1].

What I Need To Achieve:

I am required to replicate all the existing menus from the Index.html file into the confirm.html file. However, my attempts at defining these menus within the confirm.html file have been unsuccessful with no visible output.

This is the content of confirm.html:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="calculate.js"></script>   
    <body onload="init();">
    <div id="Menu">        


Here is the calculate.js file responsible for displaying the data on confirm.html as intended:

// JavaScript code here

Furthermore, the validation of the user input forms is conducted using valid.js which helps make sure the information provided adheres to specific criteria.

The overall styles of the project are defined in style.css.

Lastly, the initial structure of the project can be seen in Index.html.

[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/yUuJa.png

Answer №1

It appears that the issue lies in how you've designated "Menu" as a class instead of an ID.

.Menu {
   //add your code here

To access it correctly, you should use a pound sign (#) like this:

   //add your code here

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