What is the process for placing a component on the right side of the sidebar?

Here is the code snippet I am working with:

    <div class="main">
        <sidebar />
        <router-view />

The sidebar has a width of 260px. I need to ensure that any component added to the router-view appears on the right side of the sidebar, rather than behind it. My initial thought was to add a margin-left of 260px, but I'm unsure if this is the most reliable solution. What would be the best approach to position the component next to the sidebar?

Answer №1

To ensure the sidebar width remains consistent, simply utilize margin-left for fixed widths. For fluid layouts, consider implementing a window resize listener in JavaScript to calculate and adjust the margin-left dynamically based on the sidebar's width.

If you are looking for alternatives, Vue component frameworks like Vuetify or Quasar may also pique your interest.

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