What is the process for obtaining X through the use of createElement('img')?

Is there a way to retrieve the X position from the left of the tag created using document.createElement('img');

var block00 = document.createElement("img");
block00.src = "images/sep1.png";

If so, how can it be done:

if (block00.getBoundingClientRect) {
    var doc2 = block00.getBoundingClientRect();
    var X = doc2.left;

Answer №1

Start by using the appendChild() method;

        var block02 = document.createElement("img"); // Creating a new image element for separation block
        block02.src = "images/sep1.png"; // Setting the image source for separation block
        document.getElementById("land01").appendChild(block02); // Appending the separation block to an element

        // Get the x position of added block02 

        if (getX1 == 0) { // Set x position of block02
            var doc2 = block02.getBoundingClientRect();
            gX1 = doc2.left;
            getX1 = 1;

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