I am looking for a solution to change the color of the underline on invalid dates to red. I have not attempted any fixes yet as there doesn't seem to be any similar query online.
Here's the code snippet related to Date and Time:
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'picker'">
<ion-item no-padding class="item-icons">
<ion-label [attr.missing-detail]="missingDetail(field.formControlName) ? '' : null"
{{ (field.label | translate) + ': ' + isFieldRequired(field.validators.required)}}
[max]="field.validators?.max ? field.validators?.max : null"
[cancelText]="'COMMON.CANCEL' | translate" [doneText]="'COMMON.DONE' | translate"
[displayFormat]="field.others.displayFormat" [pickerFormat]="field.others.pickerFormat">
<mat-icon item-right [svgIcon]="field.others.icon"></mat-icon>