What is the process for generating an Electronic Program Guide for television?

Welcome to the forum! I'm a front-end developer at a company for 6 months now, currently working on a TV app. It's my first experience in this field and I'm facing some challenges, particularly with creating an epg for the app. Unfortunately, not all the code is functioning as expected on the TV. I've managed to create the style so far, check out what I have done [here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/7Newx.png). However, I still need help to achieve the desired outcome. Here's an [example](https://i.stack.imgur.com/XSUZz.png) of what I need. I'm hoping to get some guidance and support from the community here. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

This question seems to be quite broad and may be more suitable for a different platform than stackoverflow. Nevertheless, I welcome you to the community and offer this general response:

Your goal of creating a layout resembling a US-style TV listing involves organizing data in a horizontal grid format based on air time. This concept, popularized by publications like TV Guide, can also be seen online on sites such as TV.com's listings.

In contrast, European TV listings typically follow a vertical layout organized by station columns with time displayed vertically. Examples of this layout can be found on services like this TV search service's EPG or an online version of a German TV guide.

If you are developing for a smart TV, you will need to consider platform-specific SDKs or cross-device frameworks that support rich HTML. Exploring data table frameworks and widgets libraries could also be beneficial depending on your tech stack.

To display TV airing metadata effectively, ensure you have proper licensing for any copyrighted images like station logos. Compliance with copyright laws is essential, especially if your project is for commercial use. Discussing these legal concerns with your supervisor is advisable.

Overall, it might be helpful to break down your project into smaller tasks and address specific challenges individually. Feel free to reach out with more focused questions as they arise after further exploration of your requirements.

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