What is the NOT selector used with the CSS contains function for?

I have a question regarding my Selenium code. I am currently using the following snippet:

WaitForElement(By.CssSelector("#document-count:contains(<number greater than 0>)"));

The part where I'm stuck is specifying number greater than 0. Is there a way to use CSS alone to verify if an element's inner text contains a value other than 0?

Answer №1

:contains became outdated in the CSS3 version. Due to the direct connection between WebDriver and the browser, it is unable to utilize that particular pseudo-class.

Is there a way to solely use CSS to verify if an element's inner text contains anything other than 0?

Regrettably, no. The deprecation of both :contains and :nth by CSS has posed challenges for Selenium users.

As mentioned by Arran, one alternative solution could involve utilizing xpath, or - with a willingness to explore combining C# and CSS (not just css as initially suggested) - devising a script to iterate through content checks multiple times.

Answer №2

As per Chris Coyier's insights on CSS Tricks:

Outdated Information

:contains() - It seems that this feature no longer exists in the current CSS3 specifications. The ability to select elements based on their text content seemed incredibly useful. It is possible that it was removed due to issues or simply because having content in selectors may not be ideal. Personally, I would have preferred a selector based on elements rather than text, like p:contains(img), but unfortunately, that option is not available.

However, if you set the value properties correctly, you could potentially use :not([value="0"]):

View the demo on jsFiddle


<div id="doc">
    <input type="text" value="0" />
    <br />
    <input type="text" value="1" />
    <br />
    <input type="text" value="2" />


#doc input[value="0"]
    background: red;

#doc input:not([value="0"])
    background: green;


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