I want to incorporate a box with smiley icons above the comment section that opens with a click using jQuery. Here's what I have come up with:
<div class="emo">
<i href="#" id="showhide_emobox"> </i>
<div id="emobox">
<input class="emoticon" id="icon-smile" type="button" value=":)" />
<input class="emoticon" id="icon-sad" type="button" value=":(" />
<input class="emoticon" id="icon-widesmile" type="button" value=":D" /> <br>
background: url('../smileys/smile.png');
#icon-smile {
border: none;
background: url('../images/smile.gif') no-repeat;
// =======show hide emoticon div============
// ============add emoticons============
$('.emoticon').click(function() {
var textarea_val = jQuery.trim($('.user-comment').val());
var emotion_val = $(this).attr('value');
if (textarea_val =='') {
var sp = '';
} else {
var sp = ' ';
$('.user-comment').focus().val(textarea_val + sp + emotion_val + sp);
However, I am struggling with arranging the buttons in a clean array and creating a background image for them (the button values are displayed before the image and the array is not perfectly rectangular). I am beginning to question whether this is the most effective way to design this box.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach this properly?