What is the method to make a CSS selector avoid selecting a specific element?

Let's say I have a CSS style that looks like this:

    input.validation-passed {border: 1px solid #00CC00; color : #000;}

The JavaScript validation framework I am using injects every input tag with a class="validation-passed". While this works fine for elements like <input type='text' />, I do not want it to be applied to <input type='button' />. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

.validation-failed:not(input[type="submit"]) {font-weight:bold;}

Answer №2

For those not requiring compatibility with IE6, an attribute selector can be employed:

input[type="text"].validation-passed {border: 1px solid #00CC00; color : #000;}

Answer №3

It may not be possible to achieve directly, but there is a workaround. By injecting a snippet of JavaScript code, you can parse your inputs and assign the class text-validation-passed to all text inputs that have the class validation-passed (or remove the class from button input if it's unnecessary).

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