What is the method for utilizing the onmouseover function to emphasize a specific part of an SVG graphic?

I am attempting to create an interactive SVG map of Europe. Each country is represented by a path element, and I want the opacity of a country to change to 0.5 when it is hovered over. Despite trying to define a JavaScript function for this purpose, nothing happens on hover. Below is my SVG code along with the JavaScript function I have attempted:

    type="text/javascript" />
      d="m 170.10418,253.29039 0.16365,-1.29169 2.4003,-0.68196 2.91852,-0.51346 0.90921,0.17651 0.12727,0.61776 -0.50914,0.82636 -0.14547,1.3639 -1.51836,1.04298 -0.82736,0.85845 c 0,0 -0.28187,0.48137 -0.33642,0.48939 -0.0545,0.007 -0.99103,-0.7381 -0.99103,-0.7381 l -0.66371,-0.43325 -0.60915,-1.37191 z"
function MouseOver(elem){
    elem.opacity = 0.1;

Answer №1

I have eliminated the inline styles and transferred them to a <style> tag. The <style> tag is now located within the svg element.

In your styles, I have included:

#ukraine:hover {
      fill-opacity: 0.5;

Here is the demonstration:

<svg viewBox="170 250 7 7">
  <style type="text/css">
        #ukraine {
  fill: #3399ff;
  fill-opacity: 1;
  stroke: #000000;
  stroke-width: 0.06832593px;
  stroke-linecap: butt;
  stroke-linejoin: miter;
  stroke-opacity: 1;

#ukraine:hover {
  fill-opacity: 0.5;
   <path id="ukraine"
      d="m 170.10418,253.29039 0.16365,-1.29169 2.4003,-0.68196 2.91852,-0.51346 0.90921,0.17651 0.12727,0.61776 -0.50914,0.82636 -0.14547,1.3639 -1.51836,1.04298 -0.82736,0.85845 c 0,0 -0.28187,0.48137 -0.33642,0.48939 -0.0545,0.007 -0.99103,-0.7381 -0.99103,-0.7381 l -0.66371,-0.43325 -0.60915,-1.37191 z"

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