What is the method for setting tabstops in XHTML?

Is there a way to create a tabstop in an xhtml webpage without using the " " method? I want to avoid putting a space between the ampersand and 'n'. Any suggestions?

Edit: My initial post did not display the  . I am looking for alternative methods.

Here are some more details...

I have tried using CSS with inline elements, but it seems that they do not have widths. Also, floating the element causes irregular flow.

If you're wondering why I need this feature, it's because I'm working on a legal document that requires specific formatting. Thank you!


Answer №1

Consider using display: inline-block; within your stylesheet to create a box-shaped element aligned in an inline manner.

Answer №2

For any legal document in need of specific formatting, relying on CSS alone is not recommended.

Answer №3

When dealing with tabular data, the most appropriate choice is to utilize a table - after all, that's its primary purpose.

Answer №4

To create space, you can either use four  s:


Alternatively, you can add padding with padding-left: 20px; (adjust pixels as needed) to the text-containing element:

<p style="padding-left: 20px;">

Another option is to use four regular spaces and apply white-space: pre; on the parent element:

<p style="white-space: pre;">

(These are just examples and it's recommended to organize your styles in a separate CSS file).

Answer №5

Wrap the text in

<div style="whitespace: pre;">
to maintain tab settings when using source editors like gedit, notepad, or notepad++. Additionally, use separate <div> or <span> elements for blocks that need special formatting, such as addresses or quotes.

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