What is the method for modifying the color and size of dingbat unicode characters on mobile Safari using html entities?

Is it possible to adjust the CSS properties of dingbat symbols? Unfortunately, attempts to do so in iOS Safari have been unsuccessful.

<span class="dingbat">&#x2716;</span>

.dingbat {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 100px;

Check out this JSFiddle for a demonstration of the issue. When viewed on a desktop browser, the X symbol should be blue and large. However, on mobile Safari, the color will be black and the size small.


This question has been suggested as a duplicate of "Color of Unicode Emoji." I disagree with this classification as I have successfully altered the color of Unicode dingbats in most browsers (refer to JSFiddle). The only exception seems to be mobile Safari, where changing the color is not possible. Changing the color of emojis doesn't seem feasible in any browser, as far as my knowledge goes.

The suggested solution in the "Color of Unicode Emoji" thread recommends utilizing a new font or library. While this may serve as a workaround, it doesn't directly address the original query. If it can be proven that styling unicode dingbats is impossible in mobile Safari, then I would consider that response as correct.

Answer №1

Found the perfect solution to my problem on a related post. It really did the trick!

Check out this link for a fix regarding HTML unicode arrow displaying differently on Safari desktop versus Safari for iOS

font-family: 'Zapf Dingbats';

Answer №2

To modify the color of the default &#x2716 style, you must first apply a font to it. Simply include font-family: "Times New Roman" in the css.

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