What is the method for locating line spacing within HTML code?

After posting a previous question, I am still on the quest to determine the exact position of each line of text within an element.

While I was successful in identifying the css lineHeight attribute (as mentioned in the previous response), I encountered an issue - the height of my element ended up being slightly larger than what I calculated using the cumulative height considering the number of lines and the lineHeight.

To illustrate:

Imagine a <p> element that measures 2010px in height without any padding, border, or margin. Despite the values for scrollHeight, offsetHeight, and clientHeight all aligning, there are supposedly 89 lines in the browser. The lineHeight from the computedStyle() computes to be 22.

By dividing 2010 by 22, we would expect approximately 91.37 lines

The strategy of rounding down works well for smaller elements, but how can one tackle accurately determining the correct number of lines with larger elements?

I speculate that there might be some minute space between these text lines which I have overlooked. Is there a way to identify and quantify it? Could this discrepancy be influenced by different font types? Or is it something controlled by the browser itself? Any insights or resources on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!


Further investigation revealed that my <p> has 26 superscripts, each extending upwards by 2px, adjusting the lineHeight of those lines to 24px where they appear. This explains the missing space conundrum. (Exciting progress so far!)

Now, the challenge at hand is figuring out a method to dynamically calculate the additional upward extension of these superscripts above the standard line top, or understanding the baseline difference between a <sup> and the regular baseline. Is there a CSS approach to address this complexity?

Answer №1

Writing my own response here since @lanzz's answer seems to be lacking some information.

If we set the properties for a block element like this:

div {
 font-size: 10px;
 line-height: 10px;
 margin-top: 0px;
 margin-bottom: 0px;
 border: 0px;
 overflow-y: hidden;
 padding: 0px;

You will have exactly enough space for 3 lines of text. But, if you use subscripts or superscripts, fewer lines may be visible. By removing the overflow property, you can restrict it to only show 3 lines of text.

This can be tested at: http://jsbin.com/ogoruy/4/

Subscripts and Superscripts act as 'inline-block elements':

The height of the inline box includes all glyphs and their half-leading on each side, making it equal to 'line-height'.

When there is a single value of 'line-height' for all inline boxes in a block container box with the same font (without replaced elements, inline-block elements, etc.), the baselines of successive lines will be precisely 'line-height' apart as described above.


Answer №2

When working with superscripts and subscripts, it's important to note that they often extend beyond the boundaries of the main text lines. You can see this illustrated in this demonstration. A key observation is that even if two text examples have the same line-height, the spacing between the lines may appear different due to these extensions. Unfortunately, current browser rendering does not provide precise control over how much the super/sub-scripts protrude, making it challenging to calculate accurate line heights.

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