What is the functionality behind this unique SCSS mixin that combines flexbox and grid layouts?

Discover a SCSS mixin for creating flexbox/grid layouts HERE.

Take a look at the complete mixin code below:

@mixin grid-col(
        $col: null,
        $grid-columns: 12,
        $col-offset: null,
        $gutter: null,
        $condensed: false,
        $align-self: null,
        $flex-grow: 0,
        $flex-basis: auto,
        $order: null,
        $grid-type: skeleton,
        $last-child: false

    @if type-of($col) == number and unitless($col) == true {
        // Code logic here...
    } @else if type-of($col) == number and unitless($col) == false {
        // More code logic here...


The parameters in this mixin might be confusing to some, like $condensed: false,. While experienced with flexbox and Scss, this mixin complexity is daunting.

Specifically puzzling is this part of the mixin:

@else if $grid-type == margin-offset {
    @if $gutter and unit($gutter) == '%' {
        $flex-basis: (100% - ($gutter * ($grid-columns / $col - 1))) / ($grid-columns / $col);
    } @else if $gutter and unitless($gutter) == false {
        $flex-basis: calc( #{$flex-basis} - #{$gutter * ($grid-columns / $col - 1) / ($grid-columns / $col)} );

Seeking clarification on the above code snippet. Can anyone elaborate on this section?

Answer №1

This serves as the introduction to your document:

// ===================================================================
// Flexbox Grid Mixins
// Version 0.1.3
// Description: Sass Mixins for creating Flexbox grid layouts
// Author: thingsym
// GitHub: https://github.com/thingsym/flexbox-grid-mixins
// MIT License
// ===================================================================

For more information, visit the original source of this file at: https://github.com/thingsym/flexbox-grid-mixins

The documentation and examples are available, although I initially had trouble finding them after cloning the repository. However, a subtle difference was eventually spotted. A screenshot is provided below.

skeleton: In this layout, each column or block possesses a horizontal margin that is shared between the left and right sides (notice the light blue areas outside the grid on both sides; these represent the column margins). For instance, it's

.grid > .grid__col-5 { margin: 0 1% 2% }

This creates gutters using the combination of right margin of the left column and the left margin of the right column.

margin-offset: Here, every column has a right margin but no left margin. The last child does not have a right margin.

.grid-margin-offset > .grid__col-5 { margin-right: 2% }
(plus margin-bottom: 2% with special handling for :last-child)
The gutter in this case solely consists of the right margin of the adjacent left column.

Flex-basis plays a distinctive role due to variations in container widths, as exemplified by the light blue area in the skeleton layout... prompting the need for this particular mixin.


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