Creating a color-coded code block on a website to showcase HTML/CSS components can be a tedious process. Is there a faster way to achieve this?
An example of messy code blocks can be seen on Bootstrap 5's buttons page. The implementation involves numerous span tags with different attributes for color-coding. Is there an easier method to accomplish this without individual attribute additions?
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-html" data-lang="html">(example code snippet here)</code></pre></div>
The current approach used by Bootstrap 5 involves multiple spans with various attributes for color-coding sections within the code block. Are there alternatives to simplify this process?
EDIT (My Solution):
To address this challenge, I opted to utilize highlight.js. This tool proved to be user-friendly, and I followed a tutorial on YouTube to seamlessly integrate it into my HTML code. Thank you for all the recommendations!