What is the correct method for inserting a div block?

Here is some code that I have which converts simple text to a textarea field:

                    title='<?php echo $user_title; ?>';
                    new_value=(old_value=='Not translated') ? '' : old_value;
                    var field=(title=='Login') ? "<textarea style='vertical-align: middle; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; width: 212px;' id='new_value' name='term'>" + new_value + "</textarea>" 
                                : "<textarea style='vertical-align: middle; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12pt; width: 212px;' id='new_value' name='term'>" + new_value + "</textarea><div id='save_button' class='btn btn-primary' href='#'>>></div>";
                    button_id=button_id.replace(/([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}~])/g, "\\$1");

                        if (title=='Login') 
                            window.location.replace('<?php echo $fb_url?>');

Here is the div block for the text:

echo "<td width='250'><div class='field' id='".$record['translate']['label_value']."/".$record['language_id']."'>".

Initially, everything was working fine. But now, I need to add an additional div block:

echo "<td width='250'><div class='field' id='".$record['translate']['label_value']."/".$record['language_id']."'><div style='width: 200px;'>".

After making this change, my code stopped working as expected! It still changes the text to a textarea field, but in the "mouseleave" event, the $(this).empty() function does not work properly. Can someone please help me fix this issue?

Answer №1

Make sure to properly close your tag

echo "<td width='250'><div class='field' id='".$record['translate']['label_value']."/".$record['language_id']."'><div style='width: 200px;'>".strip_tags($record['translate']['coalesce(loc.language_value)'])."</div></div></td>";

I made an addition at the end

Answer №2

Remember to properly close the TD tag immediately after the closing DIV tag.

echo "<td width='250'><div class='field' id='".$record['translate']['label_value']."/".$record['language_id']."'>".

You have overlooked closing the TD tag and also forgot to add a single quote for the id attribute.

  echo "<td width='250'><div class='field' id='".$record['translate']['label_value']."/".$record['language_id']."'>".strip_tags($record['translate']['coalesce(loc.language_value)'])."'</div></td>";

The code should function correctly in this manner. Make sure all your HTML tags and attributes are valid.

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