What is the best way to verify the font-family using JavaScript?

To verify if the user has installed the font family, we can run a JavaScript function with AngularJS. I am using a Typekit font and have only loaded this service for users who do not have this specific font.

Answer №1

If you're interested in detecting installed fonts using JavaScript, have a look at this resource: .

This method is based on two key principles:
  1. Each font has its own unique character widths.
  2. When you try to use a non-installed font, the browser will substitute it with a default font.

To determine if a particular font F is supported by your browser, you can create an element with some text using font F and another element with the same text using the default browser font. By comparing their widths using the offsetWidth property, you can infer whether or not font F is supported by your browser based on the results.

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