What is the best way to use jQuery to adjust the size of a slider image based on a percentage of the browser window

I've been searching all over for a solution to this issue, but so far I haven't had any luck. Basically, I have an image that is 1800 pixels wide by 500 pixels high. I need this image to adapt to all screen resolutions. Instead of having a fixed width, it should be displayed as a percentage of the browser window size.

My goal is to have it occupy 80% of the width of the browser window...

Any ideas on how to achieve this using jQuery? It would mostly depend on the initial size of the browser window when opened. It doesn't necessarily need to shrink if someone decides to resize their browser window.

I understand this is a unique issue, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

One way to achieve this with style is by using CSS:

#image {
  width: 70%;
  background-image: url('./pinkfloyd.gif');

If you prefer to do it through jQuery, you can explore the fullbg plugin.

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