What is the best way to use ajax to load a particular div or class from a file?

In my main.html file, there are several divs each with 2 classes. The first is their specific class and the second is a class called menu-item, which determines if an event will be triggered when clicked.

For example:

<div id="load-here">


<div class="item-1 menu-item">
    click this

I also have a gallery.html file that I want to load into the #load-here div in main.html. Let's say the gallery.html file looks like this:

<div class="menu-item>
    <!-- some image here -->
    <img href="img/1.jpg />

The script I am using is as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $( "div" ).click(function() {

        if ( $( this ).hasClass( "menu-item" ) ) {
            $("#load-here").load("gallery.html" + this.class);


However, I am facing a problem where the gallery.html file is not loading into the #load-here div despite trying various changes. It seems like the script is not functioning correctly.

Answer №1

Check out the following link for more information: http://api.jquery.com/load/

$( "#c" ).load( "content.html #destination" );

Answer №2

There are several issues that need to be addressed:

  1. Instead of using $( "div" ).click(function() ... which registers the click on all available div elements and may lead to unexpected behavior, it's better to use: $("div.menu-item").click( ...
  2. It is important to understand the context and event target in your callback function. Sometimes this can be misleading as the context of the call may vary. It's clearer to handle the event as an explicit parameter and check the event target for more accuracy.
  3. You may want to pass a parameter for gallery.html, but as @charlietfl pointed out, there is no .class. However, there is a .className in the DOM. It's recommended to use jQuery's $().attr('class') method. Also, remember to separate the parameter like this: gallery.html?parameter

In conclusion, here is a suggestion to improve the code:

$("div.menu-item").click( function(event) { 

  var jqTarget = $(event.target).closest('.menu-item');

  if ( jqTarget.hasClass( "menu-item" ) ) {
    $("#load-here").load("gallery.html" + "?" + this.class);


The closest() method will find the closest matching element, even if the click target was not directly on the div itself, such as on a child element like an img. To specify which menu item was clicked, you can use a condition like this:

if ( jqTarget.hasClass( "that-specific-item" ) ...

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