What is the best way to synchronize the image dimensions and source when dynamically loading images?

I am facing an issue with a function that updates images by altering the src and css (width/height) of an IMG tag within the document. Below is a simplified example to demonstrate the problem:

updateImage = function(src, width, height) {
  $("#changeMe").attr("src", src).css("width", width + "px").css("height", height + "px");

<img id="changeMe" />

<input type="button" onClick="updateImage('image1.jpg',100,150);" />
<input type="button" onClick="updateImage('image2.jpg',185,200);" />
<input type="button" onClick="updateImage('image3.jpg',50,100);" />

The issue arises when either the src or css properties change first, resulting in an awkward stretching effect due to varying image sizes. I am seeking advice on the best approach to resolve this.

I have already attempted hiding and re-showing the img before and after implementing the changes, but it did not solve the problem. Hopefully, someone with more expertise can provide a solution! :)

Answer №1

When the image is not cached, there may be a delay in loading.

To address this issue, consider preloading the image:

updateImage = function(imageSrc, imageWidth, imageHeight) {
  var newImg = new Image();
  newImg.onload = function () {
     $("#changeThis").attr("src", imageSrc).css("width", imageWidth + "px").css("height", imageHeight + "px");
  newImg.src = imageSrc;

Answer №2

When you modify the src attribute of an image, it will continue to display the original src until the new image has completed loading. A better approach would be to swap out the entire image element instead of just updating the src attribute.

updateImage = function(src, width, height) {
        '<img id="imagetochange" src="' + src + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" />'

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