What is the best way to switch from one HTML file to its associated JavaScript and CSS files once a specific event is activated?

Is my approach to organizing and building my first website game correct? I have 5 separate HTML files along with their respective JS and CSS files. My goal is to slide in the content from the next HTML file, including its corresponding JS and CSS files, when an event is triggered until the user completes the game.

Imagine it as similar to the app Duolingo where you select the correct answer for a question and then proceed to the next one until the lesson is finished. How can I implement the sliding in of the other content effectively?

Answer №1

One way to update HTML content and load JavaScript into an existing document is by utilizing jQuery's .load() and $.getScript() methods.

// Ensure that no essential `<script>` elements are located within the `<body></body>`
$("body").load("/path/to/html #idOfFragment", function() {
  // Execute tasks once the new HTML has been loaded in `document.body`
  // For instance, loading CSS
  $.when($.getScript("/path/to/script"), $.get("/path/to/css"))
  .then(function() {
    // Handle actions upon script and CSS being fully loaded

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