What is the best way to style the currently selected option element in a select dropdown?

I am trying to change the font color of specific option elements within a select dropdown by adding style="color: #D4D4D4". When I apply this style directly to an option element like

<option value="TEST" style="color: #D4D4D4">TEST</option>
, it works when the options are expanded. However, the selected option (when the dropdown is closed) still shows the default font color. How can I change this as well?


Thank you for the suggestion! Unfortunately, using sel.onchange does not track attribute changes made to option elements. I am using jQuery to set attributes and need the updates to be immediately reflected in the select dropdown. Is there a way to achieve this?

Here is my jQuery code:

$('.form-control option[value="' + $scope.environment + '"]').attr('style', 'color: #D4D4D4');

Answer №1

var selectElement = document.getElementById("select-element");

function changeSelectColor(){
  selectElement.style.color = selectElement.options[selectElement.selectedIndex].style.color;

changeSelectColor(); // Execute once ready
selectElement.onchange = changeSelectColor; // Trigger on change event
<select id="select-element">
    <option value="TEST1" style="color:red">TEST1</option>
    <option value="TEST2" style="color:blue">TEST2</option>
    <option value="TEST3" style="color:green">TEST3</option>

Answer №2

Use this code snippet to achieve the desired effect


        $('#selectElement').find(":selected").css('color', '#D4D4D4');
        $('#selectElement').find("option:not(:selected)").css('color', '#000000');

See an example here: http://example.com/12345

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