What is the best way to smoothly transition in an image that is dynamically set using Angular?

I am using Angular to set a background image for my page, but the current loading behavior is not visually appealing as the image loads from top to bottom. I would like to implement a fade-in effect or load the image from a blurry view to enhance the user experience. However, I am unsure of how to integrate JavaScript/jQuery into my Angular code to achieve this. Any suggestions on alternative methods for loading the background image?


<body ng-controller="MainCtrl" ng-style="heroImage">

    //rest of the HTML



$scope.heroImage = {
    'background':  'linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ), url('+ $scope.place["imageLink"] +')',
    'background-size': 'cover',
    'height': '100vh',
    'background-repeat': 'no-repeat'

Answer №1

If you want to create a fading effect for images, you can achieve this by using a div element or directly with the image itself wrapped within the body tags, and then animating the opacity as needed.


    <div id='background'>
        <img ng-src='yourimage' ng-class="{visible:imageVisible}"/>


body {
   background: transparent;
#background > img {
   opacity: 0;
   display: fixed; //or absolute
   left: 0;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
   bottom: 0;
   height: 100%;
   width: 100%;
   z-index: -1;
   transition: all 1s;
#backcgound > img.visible {
  opacity: 1;


$scope.imageVisible = true;

This method works well for showing a single image on page load. However, if you need multiple images to fade in, consider using canvas or displaying multiple images.

    <div id="background">
        <img ng-reapeat="image in images track by $index" ng-src="image.src" ng-class="{visible:image.visible}"/>

Then, you can use $interval in your JavaScript code to change the visibility of images by adjusting their opacity.

}, {
}, {

Answer №2

If you're looking to achieve this effect using an angular directive, here's a sample code snippet:

angular.module('app', [])
  .directive('backgroundimg', function() {
    return {
      link: function(scope, element, attribs) {
        let img = new Image(),
          s = element[0].style;
        s.transition = 'background-image 1s ease-in-out';
        s.backgroundSize = attribs.backgroundsize || '800px 600px';
        s.backgroundImage = 'url()'; //1x1px transparent gif

        img.onload = function() {
          s.backgroundImage = 'url(' + attribs.backgroundimg + ')';
        img.src = attribs.backgroundimg;

This directive allows you to specify your background image and have it fade in once it is loaded. To ensure a smooth fade transition, it's recommended to have a starting image from which the new image fades into view. You can set a custom starting image in the element style property or default to a small white image.

For example, in HTML:

<body ng-app="app" backgroundimg="mybackground.jpg" backgroundsize="600px 400px">

If you want to fade in from a blurry image, simply include it in the style attribute:

<body ng-app="app" backgroundimg="mybackground.jpg" backgroundsize="600px 400px" style="background-image:url(mythumbnail.gif)" />

To optimize performance, consider encoding the image inline using a tool like this before resizing it.

You can further enhance the styling with CSS.

Explore a complete Plnkr example here.

Answer №3

Have you experimented with using progressive jpeg? It may offer a straightforward solution to the issue.

Answer №4

It seems like your question has already been addressed before. Check out this helpful resource: How can I use ng-animate with ui-view rather than ng-view?

By utilizing the [ui-view].ng-enter and [ui-view].ng-leave classes, you can create a smooth fade-in animation when navigating through pages on your web application.

Answer №5

If you have control over the image hosting or there are no CORS issues, you can use this Angular method to wait for the image to load:

    $scope.style = {
        background: 'red'
    $scope.link = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f6/Not_A_Hero_Logo.png';
    var image = new Image();
    image.onload = function(){
            $scope.style.background = 'url(' + $scope.link + ') center / contain no-repeat';
    image.src = $scope.link;

In your HTML, add:

<div ng-style="style"></div>

Plunker example: https://plnkr.co/edit/rC2IeU8bulOXB6HWlEK9?p=preview

EDIT: Another directive-based approach available on Plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/FRJla7MRu2JIaSYx7lTb?p=preview

Answer №6

If you're looking for a wide range of animations created with @keyframes, I highly suggest checking out Animate.css.

You can keep your code clean by simply adding the animation attributes to your ng-style. Select your preferred animation, set the duration, and you're all set:

$scope.heroImage = {
  'background': 'linear-gradient( rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) ), url("https://hd.unsplash.com/photo-1452711932549-e7ea7f129399") center',
  'background-size': 'cover',
  'height': '100vh',
  'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
   //set fadeIn as the animation, animate over duration of 1second.
  'animation':'fadeIn 1s',

Check out the live example here on Plunker

Make sure to include animate.css in your stylesheets and ensure it loads before your own stylesheets:

<!--load animate.css first-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="animate.css" />
<!--Your own stylesheet-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Site.css" />

Answer №7

Recently, I had a similar task and successfully tackled it by compressing jpeg images or utilizing something called progressive jpeg

If you want to learn more about the compression of JPEG, Wikipedia has some great information.

Important Note:

JPEG format is highly recommended for web use.

Effective Solution:

I personally used this service to compress my jpeg files with great success.

Thanks to this improvement, my site now performs exceptionally well.

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